Successful and results-oriented management requires business expertise, an understanding of central managerial relationships, and the competence, thanks to holistic thinking, to size up this consequences of one’s own actions. In this 9-day development programme, it is exactly these competences that will be practised using numerous practical examples, exercises and instruction on the subject.
Participants will be enabled to understand the most important aspects of management today. They will acquire the competence to tackle and effectively solve business problems – not only from the perspective of their own company, but also within their own area of responsibility and own department. Thus they will learn to understand the company as an integral unit.
Key Benefits
You will receive systematic knowledge about management and thanks to results-oriented thinking, understand how to correctly place managerial trends and accurately anticipate the consequences of your actions.
You will take on your tasks with new imputs, more confidence, and in a comprehensive manner.
You will learn to critically evaluate and extend your existing managerial knowledge, and to orient your thinking towards results.
You will quickly receive applicable methods and instruments for your own use.
Target group
General Management for Emerging Leaders is aimed at functional managers, specialists, and emerging leaders. It is especially intended for:
Functional managers and specialists, who need systematic instruction in general management
Key employees and specialists with central functions, who need entrepreneurial understanding
Employees who will move into a managerial position in the future and who should receive a holistic understanding of management